Tuesday, February 12, 2008

My entry to the "Love, Me" contest

Since I got a GE e-card from DeSanggria, I took it as a chance to join the "Love, Me" event. Since the entries were mostly screenshots, poems, machinima and comics, I decided to film myself saying thank you to DeSanggria for being a friend. Also, I did an added bonus on that video! If you want to see the bonus, watch the video all the way.

I felt so sleepy when I arrived from work this early morning but I needed to upload this vid before it's too late. Thank goodness I made the reply just in time and I'll just have to wait and see on what will happen next! :P

Enjoy the video right now. If you'll excuse me, I need to prepare for work even if I'm still a little groggy from waking up!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOW! Man you're TEH GAR of the parapara dance ^^ Nice message there. Excuse me but i NEED to keep with my laughs or I'm gonna die right here... That was the most hilarious thing i have watch this year ^^

You're a real friend dude! Have fun and keep gaming for good!


My family