ファミリウプダテ! Don't worry! The Japanese fan in me is saying the title a la Japanese! :D Anyhoo, let me introduce to you my ever-growing family!
The main team: Sabrina (Scout), Marvin (Fighter) and Stephanie (Elementalist)From here on (actually, days ago!), I'll be using them to progress to higher levels and new worlds. I want to thank my faction mate for making me consider to have a main team if I ever want to catch up on level progression and to properly participate in the Colony Wars (believe me, I never survived a battle at the Colony Wars). Marvin (my real name as well!) here is currently using Epee Garde, switching from High-Guard (and learned the last skill for Plow Guard). Stephanie continues to practice her Evocation Fire stance, although she used Evocation Lightning against the monsters of the Desolate Cliff of Porto Bello. Sabrina has finally mastered the First Aid stance (which Fortitudo was her first mastery) and continues to use it, although she misses using daggers and trying out the Install Trap stance.

Joanne (Emilia), Refilwe (M'Boma) and Sandra (Wizard)
However, let's not forget the other members! Here is Joanne, Refilwe and Sandra. Joanne still serves as a medic but occasionally getting a hand on a magic rod when she feels bored in helping the new members get stronger. Refilwe still focuses in practicing his Evocation Fire stance from the last time he ever went to the battlefield. Sandra just recently learned (and immediately mastered) Invisible Stalker. Sandra's last field experience was hunting down Steel Armed Tortoises for Lorch (in favor of Marvin, of course!).
Syeri (Idge), Miriam (Lisa) and Jacki (Adelina)Surely, I had Lisa during the Pre-Open Beta test (named her Miriam) and she was really good in handling knives. She just learned Doblada Corte through a stance book and her last known field exposure was at Thueringenwald. For our first-timers, she's the owner of the Sea Elephant Cafe located at Coimbra. Now, I introduce to you Syeri (as Idge) and Jacki (as Adelina). As always, I always give an explanation on where I got the names for my character. For my Idge, I named her after
Syeri Lee Baet, known for her "Carpool" comic works. Plus, she's a friend of mine as well. Idge really reminds me of Syeri, so that's why I named my Idge after her! :D As for my Adelina, I decided on using a random pirate name generator. After a few clicks, I ended with Jacki. Adelina's quest involved revenge and I can't believe she'd go through with it all the way! I finished it and it was really enjoyable.
Freyja (Brunie), Samantha (Musketeer) and Lauryn (Grace)When I bought my first four barrack expansions, Lauryn (as Grace) is one of my first new characters. Surely, Grace is a former Intelligence Officer of Brestia and she's investigating on how Vespanola won against Brestia's Invincible Fleet during the Three Year War. While doing her quest, her suspicions rose when she accompanied with me the Tetra Catacombs and discovered a mechanical creature known as the "Treasure Golem" with a Vespanolan Noble named "Cherlyn." It seems Vespanola is plotting something and this strengthened my cause for the Republicans. Of course, who could not forget my sister Samantha the Musketeer! She accompanied Sandra is hunting down Steel Armed Tortoises for Lorch's quest. She has completely mastered her Double Gun stance and now focusing on the Aimed Shot stance for pistols. Freyja here (as Brunie) is also a new addition to my family of pioneers. If you're familiar with Norse Mythology, Freya (
Freyja is an older form) is the Norse goddess of love and beauty. Brings back memories of
Valkyrie Profile... I actually wanted some sort of European name and I ended up with Freyja. Forgot which category I picked to get it...
Reenan (Reboldoeux Soldier), Benedito (Soho) and Celso (Gracielo)Reenan (as Reboldoeux Solider) was added after three characters (Soho, Grace and Jack). I named him after my friend,
Reenan M. Ferrer, a cadet of the
Philippine Military Academy of Class 2008 Baghawi (Bagong Halaw ng Lahi, translates to "New Generation"). It's so sad though, because he died of illness before he could graduate PMA. I prepared two eulogies in honor of Reenan. He now lives on as a member of my family. I added Benedito (as Soho) because I needed another medic for some variety. However, he does better with Escrima. Looks like he can't heal well but can buff (which is dependent on the skill's effectiveness).
Benedito is a Portuguese form of Benedict. Celso was my 9th character to be added during the Open Beta period. I was able to do his quest and it really changed him (not fully). If you ask me, he sounds like a "punked
Mario" to me and is he ever so noisy (not to mention cocky)!
Cletus (Diego the Carpenter) and Clint (Jack the Engineer)Clint (as Jack) was my first character to step into the second barracks. I really wanted to try out his construction skill and I find it really good, for a short time. I don't get to do much action after I wipe out a room or area full of monsters with the cannons he provide. Maybe I'll use it in the Forgotten Territories (if I can afford one!)... Cletus (as Diego) was my recent addition to the family, since Diego's "rotating blade" skill is a need for colony sieging/claiming thanks to
"Hrin's Blender" technique. Since I was able to "peek" at the voice files of sGE, Jack sounded like a cowboy and Diego sounded like a redneck. This was a good reference in deciding names for these two. Although I tried to use a random cowboy name generator, I ended up with Clint from
Clint Eastwood ("Feeling lucky, punk?"). As for Cletus, I ended up using a
random country star generator (as it claims you can use it as your redneck name). I typed in Diego and I got "Cletus Brooks."
Yes, this means I bought more
Barrack Slots and I achieved a maximum total of 18 slots! I didn't make an eighteenth character yet! I'm planning to save it for... Catherine the Summoner!
Wow! That's one heck of an update! I have to make another post because I'm planning a welcoming celebration of new members for the RedSign Faction!