Hello, Pioneers of ze New World! I am Andre Janzur, designer extraordinaire! I have to make an anecdote of the Marvin's blog and hiz fellow bloggers as well! Here are some of my ezcapades with zem!
Here I am with Marvin, ze creator of zis blog. Alongside me is ze Queen of Bloggers herself, NineMoons. I have stumbled accroz zem nearby when I arrived at Auch. Both of zem were really happy to see me, as me and Marvin share a common thing. Lady NineMoons looked gorgeous in zat armor of hers and I hope she remainz beautiful yet proud as a lady blogger!
Of course, look who I bumped into next!
I was honored to have met zese brothers, for they have created my life's story. Of course, Fiksdotter was zee one who came up with zee story, full of dreamz and fantazzies! His little brother, Artaxerxes, here is a total heartthrob! He sounds zo good, but I guess he needs to get some new clothes though... Josiah is making me remind of zat other fashion designer. What was hiz name? Oh, forget it! I am zee best zere iz in za New World!
How fortunate of me to meet zese men!
I am so happy to see the man who put Fiksdotter's story into a beautiful art of my life! I amazed of ze techniques and how ze way he presented my life's story. So fantabulous my story was and I am grateful for it. Of course, hiz little brother Behringer is also trying hiz handz on such art. I am looking forward to seeing these brothers rize to ze top!
Well, I must go now. I must get back to Reboldoeux and come with more fantazzztic garments! Zank you, Marvin, for letting me put zis in your blog!
UI Skins - Orden & Doom Slave
5 years ago
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