Thursday, January 10, 2008

Strive to be the best!

It seems my Machinima Entry isn't a prize winner. Damn, I really wanted that PC so bad! I was gonna throw a tantrum but I remembered something from a recent job orientation:

"Strive to be the best of the best"

In my job, it pays to be the best of the best. It ain't the end of the world and there's always a next time, to be the best! If I want to keep my job, I have to strive! If I want to reach Veteran (or maybe Expert), I must strive! If I want to make better Machinima, I have to strive! I must, I will, I have to STRIVE!!!

Seriously guys, that what I learned from my job orientation. Surely I won't be able to go online to play often but this job could help shape me as a better person. Well, I hope play again tomorrow morning! I came from my job before sunrise (5:30AM) ! Some self-psyching up I did there! :P

My congratulations to Darrick and Little Nate! They are examples of striving to be the best!

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