I felt so tired when I came home from work and parapara dancing but I nevertheless played G.E. When logging in, I noticed that there was a faction event. I took it in mind to attend the event at the right time. Since I felt tired, I had to AFK every now and then. Yes, I admit to this activity!
Marvin (Fighter) was able to max out his Epee Guard stance, so I switched to Sabre Guard. For Stephanie (Elementalist), I was able to learn the Blizzard skill in the Evocation Ice stance. Blizzard is like a stronger cousin of Possession Ice's Deluge. It was tricky to use because Ice Wave attacks target in a line, not within a diameter range. When the event was already done, I was invited for some PVP. Hey, why not? I've been to an actual PVP (Player-versus-player) once and why not also get along with the faction?
We started off playing at the Liberty Colosseum where victory can be achieved by either defeating all the opposing team's members or destroying the opposing team's colony. On the first round, I made a run for one of the colony beacons that grants one additional rating for both attack and defense. When I spotted the opponent, I had to make a run for it! No way could I face my opponents alone. We all converged at the center and with all the commotion going on, my team ended up victorious. On the second round, we saw no one at the opponent's colony area. I took the initiative to start breaking the colony. It was then the remaining opponent was our leader and he tried his best to beat us to shreds but I persevered in breaking the colony and lo, victory! I was commented that I was a colony breaker! :D
On one match, we decided to battle at the World Tournament map. Being there grants you the World Tournament buff: Additional 120% HP. Wow... So good... Anyway, my team was able to snag a colony. As we come in conflict with the opposing team, I was totally owned big time! Even with another opportunity given to fight them (thanks to who resurrected the fallen members), the opposing elementalist defeated us! :( However, my team achieved victory by breaking the opponent's home colony!
After that one, we ended battling at the usual Triple X Triple arena since we were just six left. I ended up not being victorious or not being alive until the end in those matches. One of my opponents were really too strong for my team to handle. Can't say much about it but what I can recall is that someone hit me with an Elemental Strife! Levitating wizards are really a force to reckon.
It was really nice doing this and I got to socialize with my fellow faction members. I just hope there can be more experiences like this in the future! :D
Just to add: I grinded at the Rion Dungeon Hollow for the rest of the evening. Yay! Level 75! I'm just 3/4 in reaching level 100! I'm getting bored at the Dungeon... Back to the prison, perhaps? And I'm officially crazy. I still think it's Christmas...
Want more peektures? Kleek da leeeenk! PVP with Takhisis
UI Skins - Orden & Doom Slave
5 years ago
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