Alrighty, looks like everyone got hyped for Colony Wars last Sunday evening! Here's the current result of last night's CW:

Colony Wars results of September 2, 2007
Although I got a better video card (nVidia GeForce FX 5550 256 VRAM), it didn't help when the PC couldn't handle multiple characters and enemies at the same time! It took me a minute or so to be able to play properly with low frame rates! Even when I set the character and enemy detail to the lowest, it still didn't help! But anyhoo, I've got some reporting to do!
I was supposed to help in taking the colony in El Lago de Tres Hermanas but by the time I arrived, I was teleported back to Auch. Woah, that was REALLY FAST! Anyway, I was sent to Tetra Hill and try to get the colony. We did what we could, but still no colony (and back to Coimbra). The next target was PB Desolate Cliff.
The Tetra HillUpon arriving, I was greeted with attacks from the recently rival faction in order to get it. Sure, I was killed but came back with another team. Even though we put so much effort, we got teleported back to Coimbra...

Porto Bello Desolate Cliff
El Lago de Tres Hermanas was the target again but this one was the best experience I could ever remember. I tried my best to knock the colony down and there were a lot of monster summons and Valkyrie Crashers! Looks like the people are understanding the benefits of these Valkyrie Crashers. They may attack slow, but they really deal more damage to an enemy colony. Sad to say, my faction didn't get it...
El Lago de Tres HermanasI tried to participate in getting the Ferruccio Junction colony but the GodLike Faction where already waiting for ambushes! I tried to make a run for it but I was no match their high-leveled skills and I got defeated with no mercy at all! :( After that, I decided to take a break and come back to grind and get the results.
Let's see who's on top now:
-Ferruccio Junction
-The King's Garden
-The Tetra Hill
-El Lago de Tres Hermanas
-El Tejado Verde
-Ustiur Zona Uno
-Lago Celeste
-Jezebel Glen
-Porto Bello Desolate Cliff
-Pradera de Ceniza
-The Old Port of Coimbra
-El Canon de Diabolica
-Topolo Durga
-El Tierra Blanco
-Bonavista River
-Ustiur Zona Dos
-Scorching Plateau
-Via Fluvial
-The Rion Prairie
-Rio Aibi
For those who got only one colony:
ScarletRose - Porto Bello Deserted Quay
Ladies and gentlemen, we have a tie between the two big shots of Carracci:
GodLike and Destiny!My favorite picture of all:
Good Lord! Aren't they supposed to be extinct?!?!?And for some updates, I was able to get my hands to G Points and bought four barrack slot licenses! Yay! More characters for me! :D I also took the liberty in adding three new characters in my barracks! :D So far, I have relocated to Auch right now to level my characters up to 48, with my first character to reach Level 51! Uh oh, I better watch what I'm doing! :P After I am done with the barracks expansion, I will upgrade my warp slots next! For the meantime, I'll try to educate you readers on how to expand your barracks.
Expanding your barracks in sGEWhen you start Granado Espada, you are entitled up to nine characters per server per account (that means different characters per account, you can't use your character from server A to server B and vice versa). You can expand this by purchasing the "1 Barracks Slot" premium item (1,100 G Points) from the Premium Item Merchant. She is located near every waypoint in Reboldoeux, Coimbra and Auch. After purchasing the premium item, look for either Domingo (Reboldoeux), Nunez (Coimbra) or the Public Servant of Auch to have your barracks expanded. The maximum allowed capacity for your barracks is 36 characters and there will be nine characters per barracks set. You can use different characters from different barracks as well. I hope I will be able to provide some screenies soon.
That's it for now! Will update the post for screenies! :P