With cake, bag and jacket in hand, I entered the convention center with overwhelming anticipation. Now, I did not see any hint of a GE gathering going on here. I called up NineMoons to ask where I should go. At first, I didn't understand which trade hall to enter but when I took a peek inside the Globe OMG (Oi May Gimik!/Hey, there's a hang out!) event, there's was an e-games booth at the gaming area. I made my way into the registration booth and some familar faces greeted me there. When they noticed I had cake, GM Lowe handed a megaphone for me to shout that "I have cake for the Granado Espada Community." I finished registering and greeted my Granado Espada buddies at the stage area.
NineMoons, Blacksword, Sigrid, Welling and a lot of other familiar faces were surprised that I had brought the cake! I was like "Hey, how are you?", "Nice to see you again!" and anything else related. Since the events will start at a later time, I had the time to embark on another journey: To buy a new set of paper plates and plastic forks so we can all eat the cake! Going to the hypermarket was tiring because I had to travel on the other end of the Mall of Asia to finally reach the hypermarket and buy the two items. On the way back, I had bumped into Southersky and the Outcasts faction. We made our way back to the event and we were going to start the festivities a few minutes later.
We had the Trivia Contest to start up first because the tournament was hard to set because the connection was bad. The questions were really a mix of easy and hard, unless you really know the answer already! Anyhoo, NineMoons won herself 100 AB searches, Blacksword got a level 100 weapon of his choice and I snagged an Item of the Month code. Other prizes included Le Blanc of choice, 50 AB searches, shirts and video cards.
After that was done, some of us were trying to connect to the sGE servers but like I stated earlier, the connection was bad. It was futile for many of us to have a stable connection. Went a cosplay event was going on, we had to vacate the stage so the cosplayers can show their stuff. At that time, the community decided to eat the cake with a song to celebrate! I can say the cake was more than enough because it's a Triple Layer! A small piece was more than enough to satisfy an hungry mouth! Whiteships (the famed Feng Cosplayer), Little Nate and Josiah arrived and it all happiness and memories! A secuirty personnel noticed our gathering and told us to relocate at an area where we can eat. Some of us gathered outside the trade halls at a drink shop. There was some cake left over and NineMoons decided to bring it home instead.
When we got back, the tourney got delayed again because of the bad connection. Another event went to play: Awarding the Bloggers! It was great that I was able to see familair and new faces! Christus and Churvaneska were in the game for a good amount fo time but it's the first time I've seen them IRL! :D
A raffle was done and more people walked away with video cards, Le Blancs, Level 100 weapons, shirts and AB searches. The art contest followed and I gotta say StreyCat's work as the best! :D
When we got word that the tourneys got cancelled because of the connection, they decided to draw the prizes instead (that what I can recall, though...). To end the event, we lined up to see if we can get prizes!
Whew! I am glad we had a lot of attendees for our Anniversary Black Party! Fiksdotter suggested we get a bit to eat for dinner and he suggested a place...
UI Skins - Orden & Doom Slave
5 years ago